Sponsor Announcement: Escher Group

We are very pleased to announce that Escher will be joining WMX Americas in April 2021 as a Silver Sponsor.
Escher is a global technology company delivering point of service solutions that are transforming how the Posts throughout the world engage and interact with their customers. Escher brings together posts, businesses, governments and communities in an open and collaborative manner, solving tomorrow’s toughest challenges in the digital age of retail. We strive to lead in the creation and development of point of service solutions for some of the largest retail and information networks across the globe. Escher’s single, open platform technology provides our customers with a solid foundation for future digital innovation and expansion. It enables organizations to build upon their current infrastructure and to implement applications that are all managed and supported by one transactional services platform. Escher is a global market leader in providing intelligent and integrated point of service applications across all channels including counters, web, kiosk, enterprise mobile & consumer mobile.
Interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at WMX Americas? Contact Tom Ross-Joannou or Stephen Clark.
If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected] or call us on +44(0)1628 642910.
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WMX Americas is brought to you by Triangle, the provider of value added specialist services to the mail and express industries. Find out more at www.triangle.eu.com